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1 Translation result for stocky in Spanish


stocky adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
robusto, fornido

Example sentences of
stocky adjective

  • That outfit makes you look stocky.
  • the stocky boxer's strength and speed more than make up for his opponent's longer reach

Synonyms of
stocky adjective

Detailed synonyms for stocky adjective

Stocky, stubby, squat, dumpy, stout significan que es relativamente compacto o tiene un cuerpo que lo es.
  • Stocky connota una solidez amplia y compacta <a stocky, powerful man>.
    antonyms: slim, skinny
  • Stubby recalca la falta de estatura o longitud, y una anchura real o aparente <he had stubby fingers>.
  • Squat suele connotar una falta de estatura que es poco atractiva <a squat little man in rumpled clothes>.
    antonyms: lanky
  • Dumpy suele connotar una falta de estatura, de formas y de gracia en el cuerpo <an ill-fitting dress that made her look dumpy>.
    antonyms: svelte, slim
  • Stout connota ser voluminoso o gordo <a stout fellow who gave an impression of strength>.
    antonyms: skinny
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Reverse translation for stocky

robusto  - robust, sturdy 
fornido  - well-built, burly, hefty